Skin Survival Products for Winter

Throughout the winter months, dry air can attack your skin and penetrate its protective moisture barrier, leaving you with itchy, irritated skin. For those with eczema and psoriasis, the effects can be even more prevalent. To help your skin stay feeling and looking its best during the winter, use these products:

Facial Cleanser

To help put moisture back into your skin, use a facial cleanser that specifically notes “gentle” or “moisturizing.” Avoid products that contain alcohol that will further dry out your skin.

Body Cleanser

Your body needs as much care as your face, even though it’s not directly exposed to the winter elements. Look for creamy products like liquid, gel, or mousse, along with “fragrance free” products. If you have eczema, products with shea butter, silicones, and petrolatum are ideal.

Facial Moisturizer

In severely cold, dry climates, light lotions may not be enough to protect your skin. Look for creams, oils, and balms that are thick enough to withstand the harsh elements. Hyaluronic acid, jojoba oil, and some lactic acid moisturizers will help to provide moisture for your skin.

Body Moisturizer

Facial moisturizers are typically thinner and more sensitive, so they are not ideal for the rest of your body. Look for ointments or creams that are either squeezed from a tube or scooped from a tub, as they are thicker. Ideal ingredients include hyaluronic acid, mineral oil, petrolatum, shea butter, glycerin, and lanolin. Also, consider applying the moisturizer while your skin is damp after a shower so that the applied moisturizer can trap moisture already in the skin.

Rejuvenating Products

You can still use your skincare regimen during the winter but reduce the amount of products that contain harsh ingredients, such as glycolic acid, salicylic acid, or retinol (all of which are usually seen in anti-aging skincare). If your prescription retinoids are too drying, try using over-the-counter retinol instead.



Wear sunscreen all year on all exposed areas, like your neck, face, ears, and hands. Apply a moisturizer first and layer sunscreen of SPF 30+ on top. Try using more moisturizing sunscreen products like lotions and sprays.


Although these are great general recommendations, not all skin is the same. We are always available to create a unique skincare routine for your personal skin type to address any concerns you have. Call our team at Asheville Dermatology at (828) 253-2533 to schedule your appointment.


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