Mole Checks and Self Skin Exams

Examination of the skin for suspicious moles is an important means of achieving early detection for skin cancer and other conditions. It is an exam where the physician fully inspects the skin for suspicious growths. Self skin checks throughout the year are also recommended. During your exam we will review the ABCDs:

  • A: Asymmetry – Does the top look like the bottom? Does the left look like the right? If uneven shape and size is present we call that asymmetry and this may be a sign that the mole is growing abnormally.

  • B: Border – An uneven jagged border is suspicious whereas smooth round edges are often, but not always, reassuring.

  • C: Color – A uniformly brown lesion is a good sign whereas many shades of black, brown and red is an indication that the spot should be examined.

  • D: Different – If a mole is different than all the other spots on a person’s body we identify that as a positive “ugly duckling” sign. Know your skin and examine your body for the changes discussed above. If there are any “questionable” moles, come in for an evaluation.


Learn more about skin cancer:


Skin Cancer Types, Diagnosis, and Treatment


Sunscreens and Protective Clothing