Is this Dry Skin, or Something More Serious?


Itching? These articles might help:


It’s winter. The air is cold and dry, and with it comes dry, itchy skin. But how do you know if it’s just regular dry skin, sometimes referred to as xerosis, or something more serious? And even if it is “just” dry skin, how can you alleviate the annoying symptoms? We’re here to help! 

What are the symptoms of dry skin?

The four most common dry skin symptoms our patients’ report are:

  • Rough skin that may feel flaky, peely, or scaly

  • Spots that may itch

  • If your skin is darker, it can appear gray and ashy when dry

  • Cracked skin and/or lips- these cracks can even bleed if they get bad enough!

The fourth symptom is where dry skin can turn into something more serious- if these cracks get infected, red, sore spots can develop, leading to a more urgent problem. 

So what causes dry skin? 

There are several contributing factors:

Age: As we age, our skin gets thinner. Most of us will need to use a daily moisturizer by age 50 or so. 

Weather: If the weather is cold or dry, expect to look for dry skin too!

Other skin conditions: If you have another skin condition like eczema or psoriasis, you may also experience more dry skin issues.

Soap, water, and chlorine: If you are washing your hands often or swimming in chlorine, you may experience more episodes of dry skin.

So… what do we do now? 

Well, the first thing we can try is to use a soap which moisturizes while it cleans.  The second is to use a moisturizer, at least once daily. We always recommend that you choose a product line free of additives and fragrances. Vanicream is an excellent product that offers a moisturizing cleanser to be used in the shower and a separate moisturizing cream. If the problem is severe or your skin has become itchy or swollen, we might also prescribe a cortisone-type medication to relieve these symptoms. Eczema can be associated with severely dry skin. If you’re someone who works in a profession where you must wash your hands frequently throughout the day, we recommend you try moisturizing and wearing gloves as much as possible.  

If you’re concerned about your skin and it doesn’t seem to be responding to your regular routine, give us a call! We treat each patient as an individual, and we’d love to help you find a solution. You don’t have to live with dry, itchy skin!


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