Choosing Anti-Aging Products

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The skin care industry offers extensive and endless options. You can feel overwhelmed when trying to determine which products will work for you.

We have some tips on how to select anti-aging products specifically for you.

Use sunscreen and moisturizer.

Sunscreen and moisturizer are the two most effective tools in your anti-aging toolbox. Your sunscreen should be broad-spectrum, SPF 30 or higher, and water-resistant.

Remember to reapply as directed. Adding an anti-aging moisturizer can be very effective at combating fine lines on your skin.

After applying for a few weeks, check your skin to see if your fine lines are reduced or gone. If they’re not, continue reading for more tips on how to choose your anti-aging products.

Use specific products for your goals and for your skin.

Targeting your anti-aging problem with a product that is specifically designed for that issue can help you achieve the best results. Remember that not all products will work for all signs of anti-aging, and your skin can become irritated if you initially use more than one product at a time.

You should also make note of the type of skin you have and use products made specifically for that type. Products made for dry skin will have different results than a product made for oily skin.

Know the ingredients.

It is important to know what is in the products you are putting on your skin. Look for labels that have the words hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic, or non-acnegenic.

Have patience.

Nothing changes overnight. Chances are, your skin took several years to look the way it does. It will take time to reduce some of your skin’s signs of aging.

Go for efficiency.

Just because a product has a high price tag does not mean it is more effective than something with a lower one.

If you have more questions about how to choose the right anti-aging products for you, call us at 828-253-2533 and make an appointment with our board-certified dermatologists! 


Dr. L. Evan Michael

Dr. Michael attended medical school and graduate school at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, where he earned his M.D. and his Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Biology. He received his Dermatology and Dermatopathology training at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Cornell University Medical Center in Manhattan, New York.

He recently relocated to Asheville from the Atlanta area with his wife and their two dogs.


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