Our Top 5 Tips for Healthy Hair

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Hair may not be the first thing that comes to mind when discussing topics with your dermatologist, but we can help!  

You should wash oily hair more often. 

  • You might need to wash oily hair at least once a day, while you might need to wash chemically treated hair less often.

  • As you age, your scalp may produce less oil, resulting in not needing to wash it as often.

Focus on shampooing your scalp and less on your locks. 

  • When you concentrate on getting the shampoo primarily on your hair, it can lead to dull and coarse hair. Focusing on shampooing the scalp can also reduce flyaways.

Use conditioner every time, concentrating on the ends of your tresses. 

  • Conditioner can often increase shine, decrease static electricity, improve strength, and offer some protection from harmful UV rays.

  • A 2-in-1 shampoo/conditioner can also provide similar benefits.

Be specific on which kind of hair care you use. 

  • Color-treated hair can benefit from a specifically formulated color-treated shampoo/conditioner.

If you are a swimmer, protect your hair while in the pool. 

  • Chlorine can damage hair, so make sure to wet and condition your hair before getting in the water and use a specially formulated swimmers shampoo and apply a deep conditioner.

If you have issues with your hair, call us at 828-253-2533 and make an appointment with our board-certified dermatologists!


Dr. L. Evan Michael

Dr. Michael attended medical school and graduate school at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, where he earned his M.D. and his Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Biology. He received his Dermatology and Dermatopathology training at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Cornell University Medical Center in Manhattan, New York.

He recently relocated to Asheville from the Atlanta area with his wife and their two dogs.


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